How we indicate the flammability of cladding

By 29th June 2021 fire

What was wrong with the Grenfell cladding and how has it affected residents?

It’s been 4 years since the Grenfell fire, yet hundreds of high-rise buildings still host the same aluminium composite material (ACM). Due to its combustible properties, Governments officially banned this cladding back in 2018. This led to the development of new building regulations for buildings 18m and over. Yet, residents remain in these hazardous conditions to date.

As a result, many homeowners have had much difficulty selling or letting out their property due to its high risk. It has also caused insurance companies to vastly increase their fees. Therefore, residents have experienced extreme hardship, particularly during the pandemic. With over 600,000 residents living in these conditions, there is a lot of worry as to their safety. In response, many residents have taken to the streets to protest this, encouraging governments and officials to take corrective action.

Consequently, Governments have established a £5 billion fund. This aims to help replace cladding on high-rise buildings 18 meters and over. Meanwhile, this will not cover any remaining costs. Therefore, the Labour party have demanded that developers should be the ones topay the residual charges, and have until June 2022 to do so. However, one question remains; how can you indicate the level of risk posed by the new cladding material?

How can we indicate the level of risk posed by the new cladding material?

随着努力取代当前的壁板,对于新壁板的风险水平仍然存在一些不确定性。在Impact解决方案中,我们具有提供炸弹量热测试的功能。该测试涉及测量样品的高热量值。然后,我们将释放的能量与来自标准EN 13823的分类表进行比较,以提供样品的额定值。该测试是快速,低成本的,几乎不需要材料,因此不会太大的负担。我们的团队还诚实,熟练地工作,为您带来最佳成绩。因此,该测试将有助于指示覆层材料的易燃性,从而为居民,开发人员和建筑师提供更多的理解和信心。

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